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sermon notes

5 Ways Logos Can Help You Prepare Your Sermons

In the world of sermon preparation, every pastor yearns for the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job, and the oratory skills of the Apostle Paul. But fear not, dear pastors, for Logos is here to be the Aaron to your Moses, aiding you in crafting sermons that resonate and inspire.

Is AI The Devil? The Rise Of Powerful Artificial Intelligence

Whenever I read articles about AI on the internet, I’m sure to stop by the comments section for a little entertainment. It’s a treasure trove really, often brimming with insights from some of the most astute keyboard commandos the internet has to offer. It would be difficult to calculate how many times I’ve seen AI referred to as the devil or the antichrist.

Top Tools In Logos For Effective Sermon Delivery

In the realm of sermon delivery, even the most seasoned pastors know that the journey from text to pulpit is like navigating the narrow path—it requires guidance, preparation, and the right tools. The good news is, with the Logos Bible Study app, you have a companion ready to walk this path with you.

Digital Discipleship With Your Church App

With the recent events requiring us to worship from home in many places around the world, church apps are proving themselves highly valuable. Whether you have a church app, or you're looking to get one, how do you encourage digital discipleship through the platform?