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State of the Church Bulletin

Receiving a church bulletin as you walk into a worship service has been the norm for decades. Certainly, church leaders have put the bulletin through several facelifts over the years. However, perhaps the most significant shift in recent years has been the move to a church app version of the bulletin.

3 Steps to Serving a Bilingual Audience

In a time of social distancing, many people feel isolated, and crave interaction. Many churches strive to maintain togetherness despite being apart. The need for unity within a community goes far beyond any public health concern. It is in our nature to crave relationships, to desire acceptance, and to yearn to be a part of something greater than ourselves. In areas with an ethnically diverse population, this can be a greater challenge to achieve. Beyond our duty for evangelism and service, the purpose of communal worship is just that, to worship as a community, the whole community. 

5 Things Pastors Must Do Today

Basketball analogies are common among people growing up in Indiana, myself included. We compare most everything to a full-court press, slam dunk, or a variety of basketball terms. The Coronavirus is no exception and is certainly a game-changer for the American Church. Suddenly we find ourselves without the comfortable lead we have always enjoyed. The preparations we make over the next few weeks will have a great impact on the outcome for our church and its congregation.

6 Church Podcasting Gear Options

Podcasting is an exceptional communication tool for a church of any size. Podcasting has truly unlimited potential for expanding the message and influence of your church. It can be used for growing community engagement, fundraising, spreading the gospel, and more.

7 Helps for Church Graphic Design

Creating church graphic designs for social media, posters, flyers or advertisement for churches is always challenging yet very fulfilling. In my lengthy exposure with media, I realized that graphic art for churches and ministries require a more mature, sober yet relevant and inquisitive approach.